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SKU: 61388 Categories: ,

DESCRIPTION: This elegant pendulum features a teardrop amethyst point ensconced within a gold-painted flower of life symbol. The soothing purple hues of amethyst promote intuition, peace, and spiritual growth. The sacred geometric flower of life connects us to unity consciousness and the divine creative force. With its harmonizing energy, this pendulum provides guidance through life’s journey. The teardrop point precisely channels earth and cosmic energies during energy work and divination. SYMBOL: The Flower of Life symbol, a sacred geometrical pattern, intricately weaves together the fabric of existence, embodying the essence of time and space. It reveals the profound interconnectedness of all things, from the tiniest particles of matter to the boundless expanse of the cosmos. Within its harmonious design lies the blueprint of creation itself, representing the fundamental forces that give rise to life. As a symbol of unity and universal consciousness, the Flower of Life unlocks the secrets of creation and invites us to embrace the interconnected tapestry of existence. PROPERTIES: Amethyst is a remarkable crystal known for its spiritual properties and metaphysical benefits. It opens the crown chakra, promoting spirituality, enlightenment, and universal consciousness. With its calming energy, Amethyst relieves stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalances, bringing inner peace. It pacifies restless thoughts, aids in overcoming addictions, facilitates lucid dreaming, and purifies the aura by removing negative energies.SKU:#61388